
Tours and Award

Hi, everyone.  Life is a whirlwind!  My husband planned a special trip for me to New England.  We stayed in a lovely extended time hotel in Pittsfield, Massacchusetts and toured five museums which all house and display paintings by the French artist, William Adolphe Bouguereau.  Everything about this tour was great: our weather, little traffic, easy access to the museums and food! We arrived back into our area just barely in time to attend a reception given by the Allied Artists where I was awarded second place for a portrait I had entered.  I have just sorted out all the photos I took in the museums.  I am so grateful that photos are permitted because this is how I study and learn.  I will get back to painting as soon as I can and connect with you all to show what I am doing.  Keep in mind, now that summer is here there is gardening to do and I get to spend more time with my sweet grandchildren.  Also I have a big, no, huge project in the works.  I am cataloging and photographing and also washing and storing a lifetime’s worth of hand tailored clothing that I have sewn over the years for my family.  I gave away about half or two thirds of it but just could not let go of these things which I consider art pieces.  I would love to display them in a show of their own.  Maybe someday!  Till then, my youngest grand daughters will be happy to wear some of this vintage clothing. Talk to you soon.  Shalom, Diana
